Our great development team has recently added new functionality that will enable companies to have more control over specific meal and break related rules, as well as the ability to fully customize everything related to Premium Pay Configuration.
This post will be the first part of a small series that will cover each topic in detail, so let's get to it: these are the initial General Steps. The Setup that is covered here will be mostly the same for all the rules that we will be covering, so this article will be linked for future reference since it will cover basic setup and the steps that rules will have in common.
Enabling Premium Pay
Most of these rules will go hand in hand with the new Premium Pay Configuration, so make sure to go to the Administration tab and select "Manage Premium Pay Configuration":
And then, check both "Enable Premium Pay" and "Monitor Driven?".
Naming the Rule
For this setup, there is no need to adjust times in the dropdown menus on this same screen, in fact, these will be disabled since we will setup the times and rules through the Worker Monitoring rules section.
Go the the Administration tab and then "Rules, Action and Fences":
Next, select "Worker Monitoring", once inside this screen, click on the "Add New Worker Monitor" button":
The first step will always be naming the rule and selecting the users it will apply to. Use All Users if it's a rule you want to apply company-wide, or else, click on Selected Users to pick the teams/users. Then, click on "Create New":
The next step is where you will add the rule, these are the ones that are currently available:
The following list will be updated with links to other posts providing details of how to setup each:
- No Break Taken For
- No Clock Out In
- Break Duration Exceeds
- Worker Week Hours Exceed
- Premium Pay Injury Trigger
- Break Duration too Short
Creating a Notification (Action)
Once the chosen rule is setup, you have the option to create a set of email alerts or notifications.
This are all the available options on this screen, let's go over each of them:
- Action Name: the name of the alert. It's a good idea to use the same name as the rule to make it easier to maintain.
- Automatic Field Device Event: this will trigger an action depending on the event such as clocking in, changing tasks, taking breaks. For the nature of the alerts, it's not recommended to use this as it will affect the employees punches with automatic events.
- Phone Popup Message: this will send a notification to the device when the event occurs, you can set the exact message you'd like them to see, as well as the frequency.
- Phone Noise: it sets the noise the application will do when the event happens. Please keep in mind that if you leave this disabled and have a notification, then the default notification sound used on the device will be used instead.
- Send Email Alert: here you setup an email that can be sent to one or multiple contacts. You type the Subject and the Body just like on a normal email, and you have the option to copy this same email to the field worker that is triggering the event.
Then find the employee you need to update the email address for and click on the ID to the left:
Finally, when you are in the user's profile, there will be an Email section, here is where you can enter the employee's email address:
That will ensure that the field worker gets a copy of the email you setup in the previous step.
That is all for now, we will start covering the specific rules on the next post!
--Econz Team