Wednesday, February 12, 2020

New Feature: Loading Users to Checker with CSV Files

We have just introduced a new feature which will help a lot of companies to manage employees that are using Timecard Checker.

With this, you will be able to load users to a tablet and assign them a PIN number all through the web portal in a couple of simple steps, which will be a real time saver when you are dealing with long list of users that share the same device and need to be setup.

These are the steps:

1. Click on the ID of the Checker Owner device (the device ID that is used to setup the phone or tablet to enable the kiosk functionality):

2. Once inside the profile, click on "Update Checker Users":

3. On the next screen, you will find the option to upload users with a CSV file, so make sure to click on that button to continue:

4. Here is a sample of what is required, as you can see, it's pretty simple! All you need is the users' device IDs in column A, and the PIN numbers for each in column B (of course, these need to be existing users that have already been added to the system):

5. Then you will be prompted to look for the file after clicking the "Choose File" button. Once you find it, you can click on "Upload":

(Click on image to enlarge)

6. If everything is OK, you will get a confirmation screen similar to this one:

(Click on image to enlarge)

7. After this, the device can be setup (or do Menu/Connect in case you are just adding new users). Doing the setup following this guide also has the benefit that the employees will be automatically setup, so there won't be any need for each person to confirm their password and enter a PIN number. They will be ready to clock right in without any additional input!

8. Once the users are added to the tablet, you will notice that once you access the checker owner's profile again (in this case, "Warehouse Tablet #02" as seen in step 1),  the system will provide a list of all the users that were added to the tablet along with the assigned PIN numbers:

(Click on image to enlarge)

We are very happy to provide these quality of life improvements, we are very confident that this will improve your company's productivity exponentially!

--Econz Team

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