Thursday, March 10, 2022

ADP Temp Cost Code Transfer

Hello everyone, today we want to continue talking about our collaboration with ADP. Now Econz customers have the ability to load tasks and subtasks directly from the ADP WFN system into our Timecard system.

The first step is to make sure to load all of the tasks and subtasks that you will be using with Timecard GPS. The system will use the following format of "Task.Subtask". This means that the task and subtask will be separated by a dot character. If you don't have subtasks, just the task description alone is enough, and if you have multiple subtasks that need to be nested within a task, make sure to use the same task, but adding a new entry with the different subtask following the dot.

For example, in this case, we have 4 instances of the task "PROJECT-6625" and after the dot, we have 4 different subtasks that go along this same project (for example "1001-ROOFING", "1002-MEETING", etc.):

Then, going back to the Econz side, our Support team would configure the integration so that the system recognizes the "Task.Subtask" format and translates the temporary cost codes with that format as tasks and subtasks.

Once that is done, the next step is very simple, we just go to the Administration tab and select "Maintain Task/Customer List" within the Basic section:

Then, we click and select the team or teams where we want to load the tasks to and pick the option "Load ADP departments/costcodes as tasks/subtasks to selected team" from the dropdown menu, as follows:

We will be taken to a confirmation screen where we can select whether we want to Append tasks to the existing list, or Replace that list with these new ones. We can also make sure that we are loading the correct set of jobs and click the "Confirm" button once we are ready:

Click the image to enlarge

After a few seconds, the tasks and subtasks will be loaded to the corresponding teams and will be ready to be clocked into from Timecard GPS:

Click the image to enlarge

Keeping a synchronized list of tasks between the two systems and the mobile application is just as simple as that!

Let us know in case you have any questions or are interested in learning more.

--Econz Team

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