Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Filtering the Forms Report

In this blog post, we want to tell you about a great feature we have recently added to our excellent Forms Report. We will now have the ability to filter by a specific form, similar to how the Custom Field Report works. This feature is very useful because it allows you to focus on a specific report, which for some companies is a big time saver being that they can handle multiple reports at the same time and for many employees.

Let's have a look! First, let's find the Forms Report in the Reports tab, underneath the "Task/Job Costing Reports" section:

Here is an example of a company that handles a big number of different forms, which we can check by opening the "Form" dropdown menu:

Of course, if we generated the report without filtering it, we would get a large amount of results, many of which we may not even need to review at the moment:

Click on image to enlarge

So, to make our lives easier, we are going to filter by the one form we need at this moment, "Property Damage Report". Doing this will give us a much more streamlined set of results, so we can dive into them instead of finding them one by one among a bigger list.

Click on image to enlarge

Once that is done, just click the "Download" button and you will be able to see your Form generated as a PDF file!

That's all for now, stay tuned for more exciting news...

--Econz Team

Thursday, March 17, 2022

ADP Cost Code Custom Mapping

Continuing with the work we are doing to improve our integration with ADP, today we are going to talk about Cost Code Custom Mapping.

We have already established that you, as a customer, need to have loaded your task list into ADP and that Econz Timecard will be able to easily load those jobs into teams for employees to use. Once employees have punched into those jobs, our system will be able to transfer them back into ADP as Tasks and Subtasks for payroll purposes.

Companies can have a big amount of different tasks each with their own cost code, so it can be difficult for employees out in the field to memorize all of them, so what we normally recommend is to use a format similar to "[Cost Code]-[Job Description]" for either the task and/or the subtask, this way, you can import and export the job codes, while still allowing employees to easily find the activity they will be working on using the Job Description.

Our system can give you the option to choose exactly what it is that you need to export to ADP, be it the full task or subtask as it is in Timecard, or maybe just the cost code for either the task, subtask, or both.

This can be easily configured by logging in as an Administrator user, then going to the Administration tab and selecting "Integrate with ADP", which is found under the Integration section:

Then, under "Time and Payroll Settings", find the option named "Use Prefixed task/subtask?" where you will be able to open the dropdown menu to pick one of the available options:

  • Task only Prefixed
  • Subtask only Prefixed
  • Both Prefixed
  • None

Of course, what you choose will directly determine what is going to be transferred over to ADP, so make sure to pick the right setting and click the "Submit" button to save the changes.

Let's look at an example to understand what this setting does. Here we have a few tasks worked by an employee during a one week period, let's focus on the full task and subtask format. We have:
  • Task: 100.002908-Calvary Baptist 2458 St Francis
  • SubTask: SML0-Safety Meet Landscape
Click on image to enlarge

For the task, the cost code is 100.002908 and the job description, Calvary Baptist 2458 St Francis; for the subtask, the cost code would be SML0, and the description is Safety Meet Landscape. Notice how in our system they are separated by a dash character.

Going back to the list of options, here are the results we would get for each of them, showing each option and what would be transferred to ADP next to it:
  • Task only Prefixed: 100.002908.SML0-Safety Meet Landscape
  • Subtask only Prefixed: 100.002908-Calvary Baptist 2458 St Francis.SML0
  • Both Prefixed: 100.002908.SML0
  • None: 100.002908-Calvary Baptist 2458 St Francis.SML0-Safety Meet Landscape
Hope this is easy to understand, our Support team will be more than glad to help you with any questions you might have!

Until next time...

--Econz Team

Thursday, March 10, 2022

ADP Temp Cost Code Transfer

Hello everyone, today we want to continue talking about our collaboration with ADP. Now Econz customers have the ability to load tasks and subtasks directly from the ADP WFN system into our Timecard system.

The first step is to make sure to load all of the tasks and subtasks that you will be using with Timecard GPS. The system will use the following format of "Task.Subtask". This means that the task and subtask will be separated by a dot character. If you don't have subtasks, just the task description alone is enough, and if you have multiple subtasks that need to be nested within a task, make sure to use the same task, but adding a new entry with the different subtask following the dot.

For example, in this case, we have 4 instances of the task "PROJECT-6625" and after the dot, we have 4 different subtasks that go along this same project (for example "1001-ROOFING", "1002-MEETING", etc.):

Then, going back to the Econz side, our Support team would configure the integration so that the system recognizes the "Task.Subtask" format and translates the temporary cost codes with that format as tasks and subtasks.

Once that is done, the next step is very simple, we just go to the Administration tab and select "Maintain Task/Customer List" within the Basic section:

Then, we click and select the team or teams where we want to load the tasks to and pick the option "Load ADP departments/costcodes as tasks/subtasks to selected team" from the dropdown menu, as follows:

We will be taken to a confirmation screen where we can select whether we want to Append tasks to the existing list, or Replace that list with these new ones. We can also make sure that we are loading the correct set of jobs and click the "Confirm" button once we are ready:

Click the image to enlarge

After a few seconds, the tasks and subtasks will be loaded to the corresponding teams and will be ready to be clocked into from Timecard GPS:

Click the image to enlarge

Keeping a synchronized list of tasks between the two systems and the mobile application is just as simple as that!

Let us know in case you have any questions or are interested in learning more.

--Econz Team

Monday, March 7, 2022

Weather Widgets for PDF Forms

Hello again! Continuing with the wonderful previous post, we have an additional feature that can be incorporated into the useful PDF forms.

As a quick overview, remember that with Timecard GPS you are able to capture additional fields other than tasks and subtasks, which we call Custom Fields and Forms. You have the option to select from a number of different types of fields that are to be added to these forms, which in turn, can be used to capture information that is later found on a number of reports, as well as the aforementioned Job Confirmation PDFs and well, PDF forms in general!

Added to these, we recently included the capability to embed a convenient and pleasing weather widget within the PDF form, which if this is a feature you are interested in, our Support Team will be able to add to your PDF form output.

Here is an example of a real PDF form showing what it would look like:

Click on the image to enlarge

Let us know if this is something you would like to include in your forms and we'll take care of it for you!

Until next time...

--Econz Team