Monday, November 4, 2024

Multiple Pay Periods Per Company

Hello everyone! Today we have a topic that we know for sure will interest many of you, especially our customers that have an integration with ADP, as this was put in place for those who use our powerful platform along with their excellent software package.

Companies may have many different job titles and profiles that need to have their own way to handle their individual timesheets. Some may be seasonal, others might work just a day or two when needed, for this reason, we have created new functionality that will allow our system to support multiple Timesheet Period Frequencies. Since this is a setting that involves more complex logic and will affect your organization as a global setting, we strongly recommend working with our friendly support representatives in case you need to enable or disable this functionality.

Once you have moved forward with enabling it, you will have full control of setting up different timesheet frequencies which can be assigned to your staff members individually. This way, if you have a couple of crews that are paid bi-weekly, but have some special employees that only work one or two days a week, then you can set a specific time frame for each of those cases. The system will allow you to use all of the available default options at the same time within the company, but of course, you will need to assign and manage this with each employee individually so timesheets are managed as detailed as you need them to be.

To create and manage alternate timesheet periods, you need to log in as an Administrator and go to the Staff section, within the Administration tab. There you will find the "Manage Payroll Groups" option.

Once inside, you can view the Payroll Groups you have created, or add a new one by clicking the "Add New Payroll Frequency Group" button.

We are going to add a new group to approve timesheets for the daily employees we mentioned earlier, those who just work sporadically and need to sign their timesheets each working day. So, we name the group "Daily Staff", and set the Frequency to "Daily". Finally, we click the "Add New" button.

With that out of the way, the final step is to assign this frequency to the employees that need to have it enforced, so we go back to the Administration tab and access the "Manage Users" setting, which can be found in the same Staff section we used before in this article.

Find the name of the employee you wish to apply the rule to, select the appropriate Payroll Frequency Group, then click on "Update" at the bottom of the screen:

So now, staff members who manage timesheets will be able to approve hours based on the individual payroll groups that have been setup.

That's all for now! Stay tuned because we have more exciting news coming up...

--Econz Team 

Monday, October 28, 2024

New Monthly Pay Period Setting for South Africa customers

Hello everyone, today we have a very exciting update that has been designed thinking of our South African customer base, but of course, anyone can take advantage of this. We now have implemented a setting for monthly timesheet periods where you can even set the start date for every month. This will be very useful for companies that handle irregular timesheet periods, and now, with Econz, you will be able to adjust this period exactly to your needs!

It's very easy to set it up. First, log into the web portal as an Administrator and select "Configure Timesheet Settings", which can be found within the "Staff" section in the Administration tab:

Next, check the "Timesheet Frequency" setting, and select the Monthly option.

Once you select Monthly, you will be given the opportunity to define on which day of the month your period should start, which will affect every timesheet after the changes are saved.

A confirmation message will pop up, prompting you to confirm the changes. Click on "Confirm" to save them and continue.

To view the changes taking effect, you can log in as any user type that would handle timesheets, and enter the "Approve Timesheets" section found in the "Basic" section

You will notice how all of the pending and unsubmitted timesheets will have the period set to the whole month, starting on the day you selected:

Click on image to enlarge

That's all for now! Do you have any questions? We would love to hear them in our comments section below.

--Econz Team

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Multi-Day Worker Report

Hello everyone, we are back with a new and exciting report called "Multi-Day Worker Report", which we are sure will be very valuable to companies that have overnight shifts and want to be able to keep track of their employees' time and attendance.

The idea behind this report is that it has the ability to generate data for more than one day, while showing sets of events that only partially fall within the selected date range.

You can check the "Include event sets that overflow beyond date range" box to include all the time that has been punched in for the following day, in the cases where the field employees worked during the evening.

Here is an example of this report:

Click the image to enlarge

Our employee worked an overnight shift on 9/4/2024, started from 8:00 PM until 9/5/2024 at 2:00 AM. The report will also tell us whenever your staff takes a Meal Period and calculate the worked hours accordingly.

Next we see the following day shift from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM, which is business as usual, so this versatile report will be useful for any type of shift your employees work on.

We hope you can take full advantage of this useful report, let us know in case you have any questions or comments below.

Until next time...

--Econz Team

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Stale Timesheet Event Report

Hello everyone! Today we have great news for all our customers that use one of our Payroll integrations. We have created the new Stale Timesheet Event Report. Its purpose is to show outstanding edits made on timecards that have not yet been approved or accepted into the payroll timesheet.

To be able to fully utilize this report, some prior steps will need to be taken. First of all, since we mentioned this shows edited timesheets, we would need to work with the "Approve Timesheets" section, where we can edit a timesheet that has already been approved.

The "Approve Timesheets" option can be found in the Basic section of the Administration tab:

Once inside, we would be editing this example timesheet that is on "Management Approved" status:

Click on image to enlarge

We click the Edit button on the bottom of the screen:

On the next step, we would make the necessary adjustments to the timesheet:

Click on image to enlarge

Finally, we can save the changes by selecting a reason for the change, then clicking on "Save Changes":

If all goes as expected, you will get the following message on the yellow textbox, which means that the timesheet is stale, since edits have been done on it:

Click on image to enlarge

At this point, we can use the report, so let's go to the Reports tab and find the "Stale Timesheet Event Report", which can be found under the "Task/Job Costing Reports" section:

Pick the start and end times as needed and generate the report (or alternatively, export it via CSV file), and here is where you will be able to visualize all the changes that have been performed under the same stale circumstances, including the change we just made, highlighted below:

Click on image to enlarge

Finally, let's go over the different values that you will be presented with, for the sake of clarity:

  • Timesheet: This is the specific Timesheet ID.
  • Worker: Name of the employee.
  • Timesheet Start: This is the start date of the pay period.
  • Timesheet End: This is the end of the pay period.
  • Stale Reason: Action taken when the timesheet was edited.
  • Stale Description: Specific edit performed.

We hope you get the best out of this incredibly useful report, let us know if you have questions or comments down below!

--Econz Team

Monday, June 17, 2024

The New ADP ADP Workforce Manager Report

Hello everyone!

We are back with one new chapter in our wonderful journey of collaborating with ADP. Today we will quickly go over a new report called the "ADP WFM Daily CSV Export Report". The idea behind this is to be able to quickly generate a CSV export report that can be used for the punch import into ADP Workforce Manager. Of course, all its data is modeled to be compatible with ADP's Punch Import Template.

This CSV file can be used to import into ADP Workforce Manager, or the import can automatically be done via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for accounts that are integrated.

To access the report, just go to the Reports tab and select "ADP WFM Daily CSV Export Report", which can be found at the bottom of the "Customer Reports" section:

Then, select your desired timeframe and either generate an online view of the report, or export a CSV file. Here is a sample of this report:

Click on image to enlarge

That's all you need! As you can see, it's a pretty simple process, as everything related to Econz Timecard, which results in increased productivity for your organization.

Stay tuned for more exciting news!

--Econz Team

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Updates to Operations Manager Functionality

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about an update of functionality we have done to our Operations Manager users. We had talked in the past about how we can assign specific tasks to these user types so they can approve timesheets signed to their own projects. Now, we have enabled additional functionality so that they can also take care of timesheets on behalf of the employees.

This comes handy in those cases where the staff might be out on PTO, medical leave, or maybe even something happened to their mobile handset and they are not able to submit their hours.

To proceed with this, you will need to go to the Administration tab and select "Approve Timesheets":

Then, you can continue with the exact same process we had covered on this previous article, where we go over Approving Unsubmitted Timesheets.

We hope you can get the best out of this added functionality, stay tuned for more as we have a few exciting things in the horizon that we can't wait to share with you.

--Econz Team

Monday, April 15, 2024

Timecard GPS Integration with Sage Intacct

Hello everyone! Today we are proud to announce a new integration we have been working on, this time with Sage Intacct via Agave. As always, we are looking for ways to provide our loyal customer base with new tools and ways to interact with other powerful tools in the market, in order to give the most complete time capture and payroll solution available.

To enable the integration, of course you will need to have an account setup with Sage Intacct. Then, just go to the Administration tab and select "Integration via Agave", found in the Integration tab:

Here you can enable the auto synchronization of tasks, by ticking the checkbox for "Auto sync tasks:", then you can select the appropriate option according to your company's needs and configuration:

Once that is done, you can go to the Administration tab and access the "Maintain Task/Customer List" setting within the Basic section. When you open the dropdown menu, you will find a few new options that are meant to be used with this integration, where you can pull the projects and cost codes directly from the Agave Third Party system. Make sure to select the team or teams you want to load the tasks to and pick your desired option. In this case, we loading projects as tasks to our selected team:

Timecard will pull the appropriate list of projects and even has the capability to load addresses and External IDs. You will get a confirmation screen similar to this one, if everything looks good, click the "Confirm" button:

Click image to enlarge

After the tasks are loaded, you can confirm it was done successfully by clicking on the team name back in the "Maintain Task/Customer List" section:

We will be providing more exciting updates about this topic, so stay tuned!

--Econz Team